Regular activities and events
We love welcoming people and are often around in the café or gardens for a chat; you can also meet us as part of our many activities on site. These mostly take place in the downstairs Prayer Space (a lift is available).
Tuesday 10.30am-12.30pm, Hopefulness (Six weeks). We look at the sources of hopefulness and the ways in which it might be encouraged and nurtured, developing a ‘toolkit’ of ideas to help us. These include breathing and meditation techniques, celebrating the importance of music and laughter in our lives, and connecting with others. Hopefulness runs as a rolling programme throughout the year. To find out about upcoming dates, contact Karen Carter at
Tuesday 2pm-3pm, Prayer Team meeting: Want to be one of those praying regularly for the work at Strawberry Field? Then visit us on Tuesday afternoons and share in this time together.

Wednesday 10.30am-12.00pm, Wednesday Breakfast: A chance for community members to meet and socialise. All welcome.
Friday 10.30-11.30am, Ukulele Group: No previous experience needed. This is a group set up for anyone who wants to have a go and build friendships with like-minded people. Suggested donation of £2 per session.

Spiritual Wellbeing Enquiries
The plan to open Strawberry Field to the public for the first time - so people can see a unique exhibition about the home, how and why the song was written by John, and allow visitors to explore the grounds as John did as a child - is very exciting.