Team Strawberry Field raise over £750 at the Liverpool Santa Dash
Last Sunday, team Strawberry Field took part in the Liverpool BTR Santa Dash to raise funds for the Steps to Work programme. Major Kathy Versfeld took part with her daughters Amy and Lauren, and colleagues Michelle, Gavin and Hayley.
The six of them got dressed up in their Santa Suits and joined 8000 other Santas on the 5k route around Liverpool City Centre. This year's Santa Dash saw a record number of Santas take part and the atmosphere was brilliant.

The team was able to raise an incredible £750 which will go towards our Steps to Work programme. The programme is aimed at young adults with learning difficulties or barriers to work and helps them find meaningful, paid employment.
There's still time to make a donation in support of their efforts. Or perhaps you want to take on your own fundraising challenge? Find out more about how to can support our work through fundraising here.