2020 'People of Peace' young person award winner

Alex Smith

Alex is just 18 years old and is the winner of the 2020 young person award.

An extract from his nomination form explained: "Alex has a passion for playing the bagpipes, had decided that during lockdown, he would use his talents to keep spirits up in his local community. He has been out playing the bagpipes through lockdown for the elderly and vulnerable, visiting them at their homes and even to care homes to play at a safe distance; all of this without charge. On the occasion that someone did give him money, he used it to shop for the local food bank, which was being run from his local pub to support people in the community.

It went on to say that alongside this, Alex also helps to care for his two brothers who have autism and other issues. "He really is an amazing young man, who shows love and respect to all and just loves sharing what he does with others."

Alex Smith

Major Kathy Versfeld says:

"It is so humbling and inspiring to hear of the lengths this young man has gone to encourage and lift the spirits of others. With little regard to his own safety, he thoughtfully and unstintingly went out of his way during lockdown to bring happiness and a smile to the elderly and the vulnerable. Could it be that his passion for pipe playing may start a new trend in music-making post Covid 19? After the events of 2020, anything is possible. You go for it, young man!"