2020 'People of Peace' child award winner

Noah Whitehead

Noah is just 9 years old and is the winner of the 2020 child award.

An extract from his nomination form said: "Noah has a loving, caring way about him and has always tried to find ways to make people smile. It could be playing music for people, a simple hello when out walking or giving his pocket money to help others. In October he decided after hearing some children may go hungry in the school holidays to make a short video to see if he could help. He sat down and wrote a small speech to be posted on his schools web page asking his fellow school friends to help him raise £50 for a local charity. He has raised over £3,500 in a week, people from near and far have donated to this amazing amount."

"He also thought it was sad in his words "kids might not get sweets for Halloween" so with help from his sister made sweet cones for a local cafe to give away. Noah has a wonderful ability to make people smile and feel life is good and this year that has been a true God send. For him to get recognition for his thoughtful gestures would be so amazing. He's a normal 9 year old boy who loves his music, football and playing with Lego and has a heart of gold that inspires others to do good."

Noah Whitehead

Charles Roberts says:

"I was impressed with the report of Noah who is a happy, caring boy. Well-mannered and unselfish, his efforts to raise money for other children in need are to be applauded. A fine example to other children, long may he continue."